Join YATA to strengthen your position and engagement in the young adult transition program services environment. We offer valuable and unique Member Benefits.
Thank you for your interest in membership in YATA! The YATA organization provides a forum for collaboration on issues of mutual concern, including young adult issues, operational issues, education, advocacy and other aspects related to providing young adult transitional services.
YATA offers two levels of membership for organizations, full and provisional. Minimum requirements are noted and briefly described below. A Professional membership is also offered and briefly described below.
An application for any level of YATA membership is voluntary on the part of the applicant and is designed to provide organizations and professionals the opportunity to show their commitment to the ethics and standards upheld by the Young Adult Transition Association (YATA) and its members.
YATA’s membership requirements exist as a measure of a professional and a program’s ethics, integrity and professionalism.
Rolling Admissions
Annual memberships are available for sign-up each month throughout the year. Once your membership has been approved, the membership will run for one full calendar year and will be reviewed for renewal 12 months* after the date of sign-up. For questions about your membership application, please email
*Please note that a renewal application must be submitted with payment annually to ensure Full Membership, Provisional Membership criteria.
The network of providers offering young adult residential transitional living schools and programs, therapeutic outdoor and experiential programs, primary care and extended care is expanding at a rapid pace. Our YATA members recognize the value and benefit of mutual collaboration and collegiality. We are able to serve more young adults and their families with quality care by working together to address young adult issues regarding academic challenges, neurodiversity, behavioral health and substance use disorders, life skills and more.
Although we don't provide program referrals, YATA is a reputable and trusted source of qualified young adult service providers. All members in good standing are listed on our membership page with a logo hyperlink back to your website and the option of adding the YATA logo to your website. (Add CTA link back to members page)
To read and understand more about the different levels of membership, membership criteria and the benefits of becoming a YATA member to determine which option is right for you or your organization, click on the links at the bottom of the page.
YATA requires proof of State Licensure/Certification based on level of care provided (RTC, PHP/IOP, Sober/Supportive Living) and/or accreditation from a nationally recognized accrediting body. Examples of approved accreditation - Accreditation Canada, AEE, DNV GL, TFA, NIPSA, The Joint Commission, CARF, and COA. Please contact with questions regarding other accrediting bodies.
These professionals support the ethical standards as outlined by YATA, as well as share the mission of cooperative and collaborative relationships.
YATA as an organization is not an accrediting body and is not responsible for the viability or actions of a member program or professional.